Choose Joy!

“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24, NLT).

Sunny and 38 degrees?! After enduring some bitterly cold days, I couldn’t wait to take a prayer walk around the neighborhood to enjoy a little taste of sunshine and time with my Savior.

But as I trudged through the brown, slushy sidewalks and splashed through puddles of melted snow, I wondered if I’d made the wrong choice. Maybe it would have been better just to stay inside.

Instead of praying, I found myself examining the ground with every step to avoid creating a bigger mess on my already-mud-splattered pants.

Just then, someone caught my attention.

I looked up to notice an elderly woman warmly smiling at me on her evening stroll. It had been a while since I’d noticed such a beaming smile from a stranger. I smiled back.

A few minutes later, I passed a young couple whose giggly toddler shyly waved at me from inside her stroller. I waved back.

With my eyes now focused upward, I saw the swirling colors of the sunset, tiny buds on the trees, and heard the cheerful chirping of birds perched along my path.

Just as I turned the corner toward home, two little girls ran past me, jumping through mud puddles and shouting, “Hello!” Their joy was contagious!

Friend, the Lord met me on yesterday’s walk and reminded me that joy can be our choice.

Psalm 118:24 says it best: “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24, NLT).

Notice the words, “We will rejoice. . .” We will.

One GEMS girl recently modeled this for me in her happy little painting when I visited her West Michigan GEMS Club. Outside, the ground was still covered with the same slushy sludge, but inside this little girl’s heart, she was filled with the joy of the Lord. And as I watched her tiny hands paint the blue skies, I was reminded of the power of choosing joy.

Certainly, you may not always feel like the girl in the hot-pink dress, grinning away, as one GEMS girl painted. Some days, you may feel a little more like a ‘hot mess,’ finding yourself stuck in traffic or spilling coffee on your favorite shirt. But on those days, too, I urge you to notice the beauty here and now. You may even need a little help from smiling strangers on the sidewalk or a conversation with a caring friend to help you focus upward.

Friend, as you choose joy today, I’m not encouraging you to completely forget your present circumstances. But I am encouraging you to invite Jesus to make the journey with you.

May Jesus bring you glimmers of His love and hope along the way, reminding you of His goodness all the time.

Pause & Reflect:

  1. Write a gratitude list to see how many blessings you can think of to be grateful for today. Spend some time in prayer to say “thank you” to God, the Giver of all good gifts (James 1:17).
  2. Send an encouraging note or text to a friend. Remind your friend to look upward today and to remember that he/she is not alone.
  3. Talk to Jesus about whatever you may be walking through, and invite Him to make the journey with you. You can also talk to a trusted friend. Remember, you are not alone.

Friend, will you join me in prayer today?

Dear God,
Thank You for the day that You have made! Help us to rejoice and be glad in it. Give us eyes to see the beauty You have created. Give us ears to hear Your voice, reminding us what is true. Give us a mouth that is quick to say “thank you” for all You have done. Give us a heart eager to share Your love and hope with others. And Lord, we thank You for walking with us as we journey through life. Because You are with us, we are never alone. In Jesus name, amen.