Listen In to…GEMS and the A to Z Identity List

Depth Podcast Episode 75: GEMS and the A to Z Identity List — Cindy Bultema

“Break free from labels and find your True identity in Christ!”
Have you or ever been called fat, not enough, loser, or another hurtful word? Maybe you wear those names like they are your name tag or have allowed them to define you or become your identity. If so, you won’t want to miss this conversation between Cindy Bultema and Jodi Rosser.

Cindy shares her powerful testimony of how God has freed her from these labels and helped her find her true identity! This inspired Cindy to write an amazing A to Z identity list that Jodi reads on the podcast. The list includes Bible Verses for each word to remind us who God says we are. These words also help us remember the capital “T” Truth from God’s Word! Learning the difference between what is true and THE Truth is a highlight of the episode!

Listen now!


Find host Jodi Rosser here.

GEMS Resources

GEMS resources mentioned in the podcast:
A to Z Identity Cards
A to Z Identity List
Live Full Walk Free