Live Transformed

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Sparkly earrings. Skinny jeans. Sperry® shoes. I had to have it all, or so I thought, in order to fit in during my sixth grade year. Every tween seemed to match as they traipsed through the locker-lined walls, wearing just a slight variation of neon Aeropostale™ tops. I would stick out like a sore thumb if I didn’t follow the trend, and no middle school girl wants to stand out for that reason.

The truth is every girl feels this tension no matter her age. In fact, every person feels this way in our world on occasion. Whether we are eight or eighty-eight years old, all of us share the experience of feeling compelled to conform.

Today’s girls deal with this in a much greater sense as the blaring voices of social media and the shouting lies of culture call out to them. In their efforts to fit in, girls are conforming to the patterns of this world in the ways they act, think, talk, and live instead of living transformed according to God’s Word.

As many girls go back to school this month, I can only imagine the weighty choices they will have to make. Will our girls choose to gossip and bully the new girls just to get a seat at the “cool table”? Will our girls choose to study for their math tests rather than cheating off of a friend? Will our girls choose to believe the lies that they are left out and unloved when they scroll and see pictures of their friends having a movie night without them or will they choose to believe who God says they are: LOVED. Period?

The pressures are strong. It’s easier to conform than it is to live like God’s Word is the capital “T” Truth.

Friend, can you relate?

Here are a few questions to prompt personal reflection:

  • Do you feel the tension of always needing to have the newest iPhone, kitchen gadget, vehicle, or latest, trendy clothing?
  • Do you catch yourself speeding through those red lights because “nobody will notice” and you’re already in a hurry and ‘everybody else’ does it too?
  • Do you find yourself using the same language or harsh tone that you hear in the music you listen to, the TV you watch, and from the friends you hang around?
  • Do you notice yourself adopting the same “me first” attitude as the rest of the world, especially in the crowded lines at Walmart™?

Friend, I have good news for you. You are not alone. In fact, I have even better news for you as well. There is hope; His name is JESUS! 

Jesus wants to change us from the inside out so that rather than looking like the rest of the world, we can live as holy, or “set apart” people, representing Him to this lost world. The minute we begin a relationship with Jesus by asking Him to forgive our sins and believing that He died and rose again (see Romans 10:9), the Holy Spirit moves into our hearts. There, He makes His home. But, over time, you can expect the Holy Spirit to do His hard, holy work of transforming us from the inside out to look more and more like Christ.

As the works in progress that we are, we know we will make mistakes and catch ourselves copying the same-old patterns of this world rather than living transformed. But, friend, the Holy Spirit will not give up on you. For you are His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), and He will be faithful to finish the work He began in you until the day of His return (Philippians 1:6).

So, trust God’s process, and trust God’s promises. As you get to know God deeper through daily time in scripture, talking to Him in prayer, surrounding yourself with believers in the local church, and more, you will notice Him renewing your mind. As your thoughts shift from self and worldly things, you will catch yourself thinking on Jesus and His lasting Truth. From the inside out, you will experience God’s transformation as God changes you through His Spirit and with His Word as His special tool.

As we choose to live transformed, our girls are watching. May we be the ones that God uses to inspire today’s girls to live “set apart” in our world for the glory of God.

Friend, will you join me in prayer today?

Father in Heaven, 
Thank You for the high calling that it is to live transformed for Your glory. In a world that feels so much easier to conform rather than to live as Your “set apart” people, please strengthen and equip us by the power of Your Holy Spirit. In areas where we fall short, may we look to You for forgiveness and hope. We are Your works in progress, and You are not finished with us yet. Father, please make us more like You as Your Spirit continues to change us from the inside out. Make us a worthy example to follow for today’s girls to see what it looks like for Your people to live and to be transformed. In the powerful, transformative name of Jesus, we pray, amen.