Running the Race

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3

Exhausted. Drenched in sweat. Ready to give up. “How can I possibly finish this last lap?”

The 8th grade one-mile run was no joke.

As my gym teacher called out finish times at the finish line, I realized time was ticking. Fast. With legs like jello, I didn’t know how I’d muster up the strength to finish.

Hanging my head in defeat and about to give up, I remembered to look up instead.

“Jesus, please be my Help. Give me strength to finish strong!” I prayed under my heavy breath as I raced around the turn of the track.

With eyes upward, I began sprinting like a stallion. With every stride, I was flying toward the finish line, even passing some other classmates. I smiled as I crossed the line, knowing that I hadn’t run in my own strength but rather in God’s sufficient strength.

Turn Your Eyes to Jesus

Friend, I wonder if you’re feeling exhausted, sweaty, and ready to throw in the towel.

If your heart feels heavy and your legs feel weary, ask God to help you shift your perspective, turning your eyes from your surroundings and instead fixing your gaze on Jesus.

Run in His Strength

You may feel like you’re beginning your first few laps around a track as you adapt to a new school or family schedule, start up a GEMS Club, navigate church commitments, etc. Don’t wait for things to get tough before you look to Jesus and ask for His help.

Remember where your help comes from: Jesus (Psalm 121:1).

Remember: You Are Not Alone

Leading a GEMS Girls’ Club, loving difficult family members, showing up for long shifts at work, and serving others with a smile can be tough. Chasing after Jesus in a world where everyone else is fiercely pursuing just the opposite is hard. But, you are not alone. You are surrounded by countless other believers running the same race to know Jesus and to make Him known. Lean on a brother or sister in Christ for encouragement. Email us at to let us know how we can be supporting you in prayer. Remember the believers who’ve gone before you and how they persevered through many trials.

Whatever troubles you’re facing today, Jesus understands. And as you run, Jesus runs with you.

Avoid “Tripping Hazards” (Sin)

As we wholeheartedly pursue Jesus, sin will try to trip us up. Which sin(s) is/are tripping you up this week? Gossip? Comparison? Gluttony? Pride? Greed? Whatever sin(s) that/those may be, God’s grace is greater. He is ready to forgive us when we ask (1 John 1:9). Aren’t you grateful for that Truth?!

Embrace Gospel-Sized Hope

Jesus’ race wasn’t easy. He endured the cross. Aren’t you so grateful that He persevered, conquering sin and the grave so that we could have eternal life if we trust in Him? (see Romans 10:9-10).

May the gospel message give us hope no matter what we face as we run toward Jesus with eyes fixed on Him.

Pause & Reflect:

  1. What Bible verse(s) can you memorize this week to help you turn your eyes to Jesus, especially in weary moments?
  2. What prayer habit(s) will you incorporate into your daily routine this week to help you turn your eyes to Jesus throughout the day rather than waiting until you “really need Him” for the last lap of a project or when things get tough, etc.?
  3. Which brother(s) or sister(s) in Christ will you lean on when you’re feeling weary for prayer and encouragement this season?
  4. Which sin(s) is/are keeping you from running wholeheartedly after Jesus? Confess those sins to God in prayer today. Ask God to help you pursue Him with passion rather than distraction.
  5. Consider how the gospel message gives you hope today as you run the race.

I am cheering you on and lifting you up in prayer as we run toward Jesus with our eyes fixed on Him.

Friend, will you join me in prayer today?

Dear Jesus, Author and Perfecter of our faith,
Thank You for the gospel message that You came, died, and rose again to make a way for us to have a restored relationship with You if we trust You as our Savior. This Truth gives us hope no matter what we face. Help us to run hard after You, seeking to know You and to make You known. Whenever we feel weary, remind us that we are never alone. Help us to be an encouragement to other believers who are also running hard after You. Please reveal which sins are tripped each of us up. By Your Spirit, please help us to throw those sins off so we can run wholeheartedly after You, with eyes fixed on You. In the strong name of Jesus we pray, amen.