
Easy Road Trip Snacks

Sitting in a car for hours on end can definitely make you snack-y. For your next road trip, save some money and make these yummy treats ahead of time!

What You Need

Veggie Jars


  • 1 mason jar
  • Hummus or ranch
  • Celery sticks and carrot sticks

Pantry Popcorn Trail Mix


  • Whatever’s in your pantry!
  • Examples: Popcorn, pretzels, marshmallows, chocolate chips, Craisins, M&Ms, raisins, nuts, Goldfish, etc.

Mini Peanut Butter & Jellys


  • Peanut butter or nut butter
  • Jelly or jam
  • Crackers


Veggie Jars

Pour some hummus or ranch in the bottom of your jar, and fill it with celery and carrot sticks. Pack in a cooler or use an icepack to make sure the veggies stay cold. Ready to eat whenever you need a snack.

Pantry Popcorn Trail Mix

Mix it all together and pack it in individual serving-sized bags. Don’t be afraid to try some really strange combinations for your trail mix.

Mini Peanut Butter & Jellys

Spread nut butter on one cracker, and jelly on another. Put together to make a peanut butter and jelly cracker sandwich. Stack your crackers to make a mega-sandwich.